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Instructions on how to check my financial aid status:

Students can login to their myESCC (one ACCS) account using the link in the instructions below.  All students have been issued a new Student ID (A number) to replace the previous Student ID.  The new Student ID must be used to access any financial aid information.  The A number was provided to students in an email and in a letter from the Financial Aid Office.

The first time you access your myESCC account, your USER ID will be your new Student ID# (A number).  Your PIN will be your birthday in the mmddyy format.  For example, if your birthdate is July 4, 2001, your initial PIN will be 070401.  After logging in the first time you will be required to change your PIN to a new 6-digit number.  Please pick a number you can easily remember.  Your PIN can be a number that is special to you or a number as simple as 111111.  Next, you will be taken to a page where you will reconfirm your new PIN and then build a Security Question and Answer.  Make sure it is also something you can easily remember. If you forget your PIN you will need to answer your Security Question to create a new PIN.  Later this summer we will be enhancing these LOGIN procedures and you will be notified directly of any updates.

Using the link below, login to your myESCC account and review the financial aid requirements and/or options for completing your financial aid request.

  • Login to myESCC (oneACCS)
  • When you enter the web pages you should:
    • SELECT Financial Aid tab or link; next
    • SELECT the Financial Aid Status link; next
    • SELECT and submit the Award Year; then
    • SELECT the Student Requirements link.

You should take action to resolve any unsatisfied requirements to complete your financial aid request.  Please read the instructions below each requirement to resolve any requested items.  Some items will be highlighted to indicate that you may CLICK on the requirement to help resolve the issue or complete a form.

Please remember to regularly monitor your myESCC account (weekly suggested) to review updates to your account.

In addition to completing the financial aid requirements, all students should complete an admissions application on the ESCC website and submit the required admissions documents.  For additional information on the admissions process email admissions@escc.edu or call (334) 347-2623.

Enterprise State Community College

Your College, Your Future

Enterprise State Community College offers excellent academic, technical, and workforce training programs in order to prepare students for jobs that are in demand! Our faculty and staff are committed to the educational success of all ESCC students!