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ESCC offers ‘STEM Forward’ program for incoming students


Though summer has officially arrived for 2019 high school graduates, a number of incoming freshmen at Enterprise State Community College are getting a jump start on preparing for their collegiate careers.

Beginning June 3 and running through June 20, ESCC is offering a free “STEM Forward” program for its incoming students majoring in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) field. According to information provided by the school, the program “assists students who are underrepresented in the STEM fields with academic preparedness, college readiness, and career awareness activities.” Students who complete the program “will be eligible to apply for enrollment” into the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Bridge to Baccalaureate Program, which “provides renewable yearly stipends valued at $3,000 per year.”
Students in the “STEM Forward” program complete non-credit mini-courses in chemistry, pre-calculus and English to better prepare them for what college has in store. They can also participate in field trips to “local and regional industries that utilize STEM techniques” and learn more about time management and study skills from specialized workshops on the ESCC campus.

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